sábado, 22 de setembro de 2007

Podcast - Thinking With Somebody Elses´s Head

Transcrevemos abaixo um trecho do programa de rádio (podcast) do locutor e comunicador canadense Richard Jones em inglês, onde ele comenta o livro O Universo dos Espíritos, de Norberto R. Keppe. Quem quiser ouvir todo o programas e outros podcasts de Richard, clicar no link abaixo do texto.

The Universe of the Spirits
I remember my college roommate couldn't sleep for a week after watching The Exorcist. We all have friends who messed around with ouija boards, don't we? My neighbour used to receive visits from recently departed loved ones in her dreams.There is a wealth of theological knowledge on the presence and influence of spirits in our day-to-day lives.

But sadly, it's been eliminated. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we'll begin to open the doors again to the universe of the spirits. This preceless knowledge has been totally excluded from our modern, so-called rational world.Norberto Keppe, in exploring the deep psychopathology of human beings, saw very early on in his work that human difficulties were much more spiritual than organic, much more related to the questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we were going than they were to the out-of-whack chemicals in our brains.

But Keppe went a step further even by seeing that the finality of our envy and inversion would be our enormous rejection of reality and God. So he has always kept an ear tuned to the importance of theology in considering the human psyche.
His recent book, The Universe of the Spirits, is currently being translated into English, and is a must read for a world totally cut off from this spiritual wisdom and desperately in need of connecting to it again.I've invited my good friend, Cesar Soos, in again to consider this topic with me. Cesar has been researching the metaphysical and spiritual world for many years now, and has a fantastic perspective on Keppe's wonderful book.

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A Libertação pelo Conhecimento: uma análise científica da corrupção humana

Saiba por que a humanidade está se destruindo.

Autor(a): Norberto R. Keppe
2 ed. -São Paulo -
Proton Editora Ltda. www.editoraproton.com.br- 2001 (323 p.)
ISBN: 0-939019-16-7

Resumo da apresentação do autor: Este livro foi escrito na França durante o período de comemoração aos 200 anos da Revolução Francesa, que havia colocado a razão em plano semelhante ao da revelação - ou mesmo superior, conforme a orientação aristotélico-tomista.

Em minhas descobertas, eu poderia dizer que seria uma posição idêntica - uma espécie de revelação também no plano racional. O chamado Iluminismo foi o último brado de alerta sobre a importância fundamental da existência da razão na sociedade humana, ao lado do sentimento (amor) que é o aspecto da revelação (fé), é por este motivo que falei no capítulo I da primeira parte que A Humanidade Não Chegou Ainda na Idade da Razão.

É importante o leitor prestar bem atenção na segunda parte do livro: quando eu abordo os problemas levantados pelas emoções, eu me refiro aqui aos sentimentos decontrolados (inveja, ódio, rancor) que impedem que o verdadeiro racionício funcione - e não ao amor, que é a base de todo o equilíbrio e da própria existência da razão.

Biblioteca Virtual IP-USP

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terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2007



Língua Portuguesa

Língua latina, celta, grega, lusitana,
de sons de povos tão diversos encorpada!
Língua fenícia, e judaica, e troiana,
mistura musical, de raças misturadas!

A mo-te assim, tão linda, árabe e germânica,
vibrante com palavras de além-mar trazidas
nas viagens de templários, bravas, oceânicas,
falando de mistério e coisas esquecidas!

L írica língua que aportou um dia aqui e
entre selvas misturou-se com o tupi
para mais tarde enfeitar-se de africana!

C om os adornos de mil povos me sorris,
em frases e lindezas como nunca ouvi...
Língua do "Império", és de todas soberana!

Esta poesia é do livro de poemas trilógicos
Rosa na Noite, do Profesor da Millennium
José Ortiz C. Neto mail to: ortizcneto@yahoo.com.br


que foi inspirado no livro História Secreta do Brasil -
O Millennium e o Homem Universal
de Cláudia Bernhardt S. Pacheco que já está no lançamento da 3ª
edição revista e atualizada.

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sábado, 1 de setembro de 2007


... In all periods of history, and under all forms of governmemt - imperial, feudal, bourgeois, capitalist or marxist - mankid has been in servitude to the ruling economic and political powers.

At no time have the people ever served their own interests. And that is the same as saying that the human being has never been free.

A number of you may argue that a socity cannot function without leaders -- an assertion with which I wholly agree. Indeed, what I am saying is that the systems which ara used by those in power are inhumam, or rater, inverted, inasmuch as they cater only to those few who have accquired social power through money, family or blood ties, or by merit of race or nationality.

The planet Earth was created for all humam beings. Nevertheless, there are a few individuals who have made it their own private kingdom. The result is that neither we nor they feel at ease, judging by the number of policemem and security guards, barred windows and fences, and other measures designed to protect legalized theft.

No one can say that we live in a paradise. To the contrary many claim that this is living hell - which is corret. Suffering and sickness have become the general norm for humanity to such a degree that individual transformation is no longer feasible unless there is social chance as well. This being the case, the frist and most important step is to dis-invert society, turn it around, so to speak, so that those in power work for the people, not against them.

Conscientious awareness of this situation is the fundamental requirement for social transformation. The estabilishment of a dis-inverty society (a trilogical society) is the next and decisive step. Trilogical groups have already begun to organize these dis-invert societies and estreprises, and all of the people must do the same if they wish to have food, transportation, houing and clothing in abundance for themselves, without depriving anyone else of anything.

Withhout bloodshed, peacefully, gradually but enexorable, we will divest the powerful of theur power by preventing them from exercising theur greed and voracity. if we cease to nourish and sustain their sick attitudes, they will lose their strength and become like deflated ballons, inactive and useless. The crucial point here is the fact that, as individuals, those who wield power

are not of good character. If they were, they would not choose to spend their time (nor would they even be interesed) in antagonizing us. Like us, they would be working, and satisfied with this life that God has given us. They are seriously ill, lake the paranoid schizopherenics who need attack and be dependent on them in order to survive.

If we are to recognize and understand all of the social injustice that has been perpetrated, we must frist comprehend true psychopathology. And when understand sociopathology, we will see that society has long been controlled by the sickest individuals, and that they have fashioned sich laws and created an unhealthy social system in order to dominet the healthier individuals.

No ordinary person can exempt himself from responsability in this situation. If society is organozed in this maner, it is becouse the majority of the people have not concerned themselves with the problem. Our children and grandchildren and their children,s children deserve to live a world that is truly peaceful and happy - and such a world is whitin our reach today. this is my wish, and I am sure that it is also yours. For beauty, goodness and love to prevail on the face of the earth, we need only to dedicate ourselves to doing that which is trutly good, genuine and beautiful.

The people must become aware of the fact that they are manipulated by organizations that are hostile to them. The advertising, news and entertainment media, for exanple, have an insane pact with the socio-economic powers, and unspoken agreement by which they achieve their ends at the expense of the people, but by groups interested in exploiting them. As a result, there is a constant struggle between humanity as a whole on one hand, exploited and hasased by those in power, and the institutions on the other, furiously exploiting peoples and nations as much as they can.

Historically, there are people, such as the africans and the Latin Americans, who have always been oppressed. And there are others, such as the North Americans and Europeans, who believe themselves to be free, although in reality they are not. To put it bluntly, some peoples are obviously slaves (the former) whereas others (the latter) are entirely mislead by the highly

refined techniques of the more advanced political and economic systems. To some extend freedom may even be greater in some of the underdeveloped countries (if the individual is not an employee of some company or a civil servant0.

Text of book Liberation of the People - (The Pathology of power)

Norberto Rocha Keppe -

(He wrotes this book in 1985, and its has, up date study of psyco-socio-pathology until today.)

http://www.trilogiaanalitica.org/ http://www.stop.org.br/

Chapiter - The Liberation of the People
This text of book page ...32 to 34..

This is frist study of the psycho-social-pathology of people with power, psichotics who are impeding human development and destroying society. If we don,t stop them immediately, we witness the rapid demise of civilization!

The dream has returned - that dream of liberation for peoples, races and creeds - and it will be realized, so that the people can live happily in the world that rightfully belongs to them.

We will soo be able to say, as Martin Luther King, jr., did, "free at last, free at last. thank God almighy, we are tree at last"

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