sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007


Stop the Destruction of the World
Helping Young People Cope

We think most of the time that it's damn difficult to get old. But from everything I see in the world today, it's no picnic being young either.Getting lost in Internet chatrooms and games. School violence. Diagnosis for psychological conditions I never even heard of when I was in school. It's a complicated world for teens and kids these days. And we haven't even mentioned the looming environmental disasters that face them as they enter the adult world.How can they make sense of this? Today on STOP the Destruction of the World, psychoanalyst and author, Claudia Pacheco, addresses many issues facing kids today. As always, this program is looking at human problems and solutions through Norberto Keppe's science of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis) and this offers a perspective on the world that is offered nowhere else in the world. Keppe is light years ahead of any other psychological school of thought you care to name, which makes his work provocative and essential.You can receive a free copy of his landmark book, Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, just by writing me at And you can also learn more about his work on my Podcast, Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.Now, let's find out how to help young people cope in today's increasingly complex and troubling world.
Click here to view this episode.

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terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2007


By Richard Jones

In 1986, I began teaching radio broadcasting in Vancouver, Canada. I came to the profession believing that the most important thing was to believe all students were able and competent, willing to learn and improve. I spent time empowering and encouraging them, validating their strengths, assuring them that they too could become successful if they only applied themselves and worked hard. I gave pep talks and filled my teaching sessions with positive thinking and optimism.

And it totally stunned me when a number of them sabotaged themselves in the face of all my cheerleading. Oh, they wanted to succeed. They said they did and they consciously tried to meet the course requirements, but still they failed. Some other process was going on deep inside them that over-rode their desires for success. I think it’s important to speak about this, because I have come to see that it has been running for years like wild dogs through my life and the lives of those I know.

A lot of people today would say they are on a spiritual quest for answers to the great human questions: who are we and where do we fit in the universe?

Much of the New Age literature and pop culture references suggest that the way to true success and fulfillment lies in strengthening our awareness of and connection with our inner sacred and divine essence, through meditation or affirmations or positive thinking or any number of other methodologies. This is honourable and well intentioned, to be sure. But I’d like to suggest respectfully that it is dead wrong.

These are strong words I know, and lest I appear completely cold and merciless, let me take some time to explain myself.

First of all, this thought doesn’t just come first from my own head. I’m basing my ideas on the extraordinary work conducted over the last 35 years by the brilliant Brazilian psychotherapist Dr. Norberto Keppe. After years of clinical research with clients all over South America, Europe and the United States and after writing voluminously on his findings, Keppe has noted that one of our significant blind spots is that we have virtually no consciousness of the depths of the psychological sickness that has infected us. And because our psychology exerts the most powerful influence on our actions and behaviours, we need to have some understanding of our psychological state if we’re to live lives of more than quiet desperation. Our psyches rule the roost, it would appear.

Quite simply, we are not the people we think we are. Nor even by employing many of today’s popular self-realization techniques, are we becoming the people we think we’re becoming. Because rather than focussing on our inner, sacred essence, Keppe has determined that we need to spend almost all of our time focussed on our mistakes and flaws and problems.

This isn’t going to go down too well with Stuart Smalley or Norman Vincent Peale. But the fact that it’s flying in the face of much of what we have seen coming out of the New Age community or shouting at us from impressive dust jackets for the past 20 years warrants a closer look.

Because frankly, I don’t know where all that New Age stuff has gotten us anyway. After years of spending billions on self-realization, we are still sabotaging our lives and destroying the planet. We’ve read all about habits and agreements and conversations and shadow sides, and we’re conversant enough with our family patterns, our shadow beliefs and our wounded inner children that we can even talk about them at dinner parties and on blind dates. But for all this, we’re not much different than we ever were. We’re just more skilful at masking it under better spiritual rhetoric.

For one thing, we have a strong resistance to seeing problems¾especially if we’ve just spent thousands on the latest workshop designed to fix those problems. We either want to rationalize them, ignore them by focusing on something more “positive”, send them away with the kiss of affirmations or the non-judgement of meditation or see them as aberrations from our normal and decent nature.

But any technique that helps us avoid seeing the problems actually obscures the consciousness that those problems are trying to give us. For example, if I believe deep down that I’m an effective and efficient worker, I’m going to resist any feedback that shows me the contrary. I’ll blame circumstances, or someone else, or I’ll rationalize it as an aberration from my normally effective and efficient nature. And I’ll miss the consciousness that the problem is trying to show me. Maybe I’m not as effective and efficient as I think I am. It would be helpful to see that. And it would be a big mistake to cover that up with an affirmation, or replace the uncomfortable realization with the effort of positive thought.

Anything that leads us away from our problems leads us away from consciousness¾and consciousness is precisely the thing we most need. The challenge is that acceptance of consciousness brings us considerable awareness of our mistakes, our limited thinking and our problems. As Keppe puts it,

We have created tremendous opposition to wisdom and understanding, with the result that human beings and the society they have built have become sick and riddled with flaws because of faults they are unwilling to see. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that pathology¾ illness¾is the attitude of opposing consciousness.1

Because what we don’t become conscious of will rule us, as I discovered with my Radio students back in the ‘80s. What we don’t know will harm us. “The human being is what he doesn’t want to know,”2 to quote Keppe. What we try to hide from, what we try to keep from our awareness, rules us. The more we try to hide problems from ourselves, even with “good” techniques, the more they appear in our lives¾only they’ll be buried so deep we won’t be able to see them anymore. Although we will see the effects in increased obesity, drug and alcohol addiction, life threatening diseases, divorce, pollution, terrorism, and on and on.

Of course, there is a good and true basic internal structure to us. But here’s the thing … we don’t need to spend any time thinking or meditating about that. It can’t be improved, since it’s perfect already. It can’t be added to. It can’t be strengthened. It can only be prevented from appearing. We human beings are experts at that. In fact, it is precisely this tendency to stop our beautiful inner structure from emerging that is our biggest mistake and needs to be seen. This is a deep pathology that we all have to varying degrees. Our myriad and nefarious methods of stopping the emergence of our perfect structure are what need 100% of our attention. Here’s Keppe again:

You can’t do anything with pathology. You can’t solve it. You just need to accept it. And by accepting it, you will of course have a better life, because you will be able to correct lots of things that result from your particular pathology. So what the person has to see is exactly the problems that they have. Because what they have of good inside, they don’t need to see this. The biggest asset the human being can have is to see that which he doesn’t like. The bad things.” 3

That’s an admittedly big challenge. But imagine … self-awareness and fulfillment through focussing on problems and issues and difficulties. It’d make a provocative book idea. As Keppe says:

You don’t need to bolster people, to pump them up, because the ego of the person is already too elevated. He’s already up there, flying around. So the more you put a person on a pedestal, the more you encourage his own deliriums and fantasies.4

We don’t need any more books or techniques leading us away from consciousness, specifically the consciousness of our errors. We need a heavy dose of consciousness. Not consciousness of our angelic, true essence, but consciousness about how we are in reality, in practice. This may be quite different from what we think we are in our fantasies. Isn’t that perfect?

1. The Origin of Illness, Norberto M. Keppe, Proton Editora Ltda. 2000, São Paulo, Brazil
2. The Human Being is What He Doesn’t Want to Know, Norberto R. Keppe, Trilogia Newsletter, January, 2002
3. Interview with Dr. Norberto Keppe, January 13, 2002
4. Ibid

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How is Integral Psychoanalysis...

...Different from traditional types of psychotherapies?

“I have gone through within myself the philosophy of Analytical Trilogy and the method of Integral Psychoanalysis, and I feel great confidence in the veracity of it all. Therefore, I really want to help the message along. It is needed in our time.”
Johan Wretman, psychologist and writer, Tallmogarden,
Stockholm, Sweden


Q. How is Integral Psychoanalysis different from traditional types of psychotherapies?
A. There are many distinctions. While most traditional psychotherapies look for answers to problems in something that occurred in the past, or in some repressed or primitive drive emanating from the unconscious, or a chemical imbalance in the body or brain, Integral Psychoanalysis proposes something dramatically different: all human problems stem from our inverted desire to destroy or deny goodness, truth and beauty which exist in the inner and outer reality.
Dr. Keppe sees the cause of man’s problems originating from his psychological life and which is the result of his
Psychological Inversion. We do this because we operate primarily from strong feelings of envy, which are founded on an inverted sense of values. This is one of the great discoveries of the creator of Integral Psychoanalysis, and it is profoundly different from other psychotherapeutic or philosophical approaches.
Integral Psychoanalysis helps the individual, through the
Dialectic Technique of Interiorization, to understand more clearly the feelings, thoughts and actions in his inner self and his life in general and how they adversely affect him. In this way, erroneous thoughts, actions and behaviors can be dealt with in a realistic and practical way.

Q. Isn’t the idea that we need to become conscious of our
psychopathology a pessimistic one?
In Keppe’s view, the unconscious is not natural, but is created by us when we refuse or deny
consciousness. We are not hopeless victims of something that exists outside of ourselves – childhood traumas, family problems, the environment or societal influences – but we are the creators of our own suffering.
The process of becoming conscious of our envy and inversion, which produces untold anguish and suffering in all human beings to a greater or lesser degree, allows us to truly heal, not just band-aid over the problem with more sophisticated masks, behavior strategies and defense mechanisms.
The deep psychological reasons for our attitudes, behaviors and actions cannot be addressed by simply modifying our behavior, adopting more positive thinking or taking medications. Through the correct use of the
Will we can personally modify or stop the sabotaging and destructive thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors. In other words, we are not victims.

Q. How is Integral Psychoanalysis able to help people who have emotional problems?
The client is brought to deeply reflect on his own attitudes, actions and behaviors to discover the truth behind his pathology. This is done through the
Dialectic Technique of Interiorization, which uses facts, situations and problems in the person’s external reality or life as a mirror to understand more clearly what is going on in his inner psychological life.
Integral Psychoanalysis helps the client to see that everything on the outside happens internally first, and any “bad” or negative problems in his external life reflects something “bad” or negative that he is doing against himself. This highly effective process elicits unedited responses from the patient that reveal his innermost thoughts and feelings. In this way, the inner psychological life of the client can be brought to the patient’s awareness - in Keppe’s words,
conscientized. When the problem is conscientized, we become aware of what is really going on inside of us and steps can be taken to address and correct the problem that is causing anguish and distress.
Q. I have a lot of problems and challenges with my family, co-workers and people in general. How could Integral Psychoanalysis help me deal with this?
The tendency of all individuals is to see that the cause of their difficult relationships lies in external factors – either in people or the specific situations involved. In most cases, the nucleus of the problem lies where we can never see it: inside of us.
In trying to solve our problems, our initial tendency leads us to destructive “solutions”, such as breaking apart important relationships, changing jobs, cities, houses – or any other external change.
By not taking responsibility for our lives, we stay stuck in our unconscious pathology. The role of Integral Psychoanalysis is to lead us to the realization of how our unconscious destructive attitudes harm us, and how we can correct them.
Q. Can Integral Psychoanalysis help children with emotional problems?
Yes, children are extremely responsive to Integral Psychoanalysis. Analysts trained in the method of Integral Psychoanalysis have helped many children who developed pathological behaviors and attitudes at a young age. We strongly advise the parents to also do analysis because when a parent becomes aware of their own problems and difficulties, they are more readily able to help their child.
Q. Can Integral Psychoanalysis help people with organic diseases and illnesses?
Dr. Norberto Keppe has specialized in the field of psychosomatic medicine. For thirty years, he worked in the largest hospital in Latin America, the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo, where he founded the Center for Psychosomatic Medicine.
His methodology has proved to be the best psychotherapeutic approach, not only as a preventative treatment but also as a curative one because it brings balance to the psychoneuroimmunological system, reinforcing the natural defenses of the organism.
This methodology achieves surprising results by curing a wide range of illnesses, including autoimmune diseases, viral-related disorders, structural and functional diseases, tumors and allergies, and helps to improve the recovery of all kinds of illnesses.

This text from site

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segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007

Pod cast of Richard Jones

Ouça o novo pod cast apresentado pelo jornalista e ator canadense, Richard Jones .
Science, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion. There's a lot of great ideas from a lot of heads floating around out there. But how much of it is true? This is a blog and podcast that helps you separate the wheat from the chaff. Based on the landmark work of psychoanalyst and social scientist Dr. Norberto Keppe, Thinking With Somebody Else's Head leads us to question and explain our deep-seated ideas and views of the world.

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sábado, 6 de outubro de 2007

Love and Relationships

Love and Relationships
We spend our entire lives in them, looking for them, or trying
to extricate ourselves from them.

Maybe we've read lots about them. Certainly
we've discussed them, agonized over them, rued the day we ever got involved in
them and celebrated them when they're going well.But how much do we really know
about the inner workings of ... our relationships.Today on Thinking with
Somebody Else's Head,
Dr. Claudia Pacheco and I will turn a magnifying glass on love and relationships.

A popular subject on our Podcast.First, don't forget our free book giveaway. Norberto Keppe, whose scientific philosophy underlies everything we do on this Podcast, has written a number of books that, if understood, would dramatically alter how we see ourselves and the world we live in. Keppe wrote a book about the pathology of power back in the 1980s that is still today the best, most precise and definitive critique of our so-called democracy and inverted economic system you'll ever read.

It's one of the wisest and most pointed books about the
sickness in our political and economic leaders and how this sickness is leading
us to disaster. A must read. And it's free just by e-mailing me at A number of months ago, I produced a couple of Podcasts with Dr. Claudia Pacheco on love and relationships. A listener recently listened to those, and wrote me a nice e-mail asking me if Claudia could answer some specific questions for her about the subject. Claudia agreed, and so ... here we

Click here
to listen to this episode Tags:

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quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2007

What is Integral Psychoanalysis?

What is Integral Psychoanalysis(Analytical Trilogy) ?

Integral Psychoanalysis (Analytical Trilogy) is a scientific
theory and methodology developed by psychoanalyst, philosopher and social scientist,
Dr. Norberto R. Keppe, which unifies the fields of science, philosophy and spirituality. Keppe has discovered that we must all become aware of the depth and extent of our psychopathology
- a condition that exists in all human beings to one degree or another - if we are to heal our damaged selves and our planet.

Integral Psychoanalysis is different from traditional psychoanalysis or alternative types of psychotherapies.
Why is Integral Psychoanalys different from other psychotherapies?
Traditional psychotherapies see the cause of man’s problems
as organic or societal. In this view, man is seen as a ‘victim’ of things
external to his own choice - things such as chemical imbalances in the brain, lack of affection, family problems, economic difficulties, etc.

The Problem
Dr. Keppe is one of the few scientists who sees the cause of man’s
problems originating from the individual’s inner psychological life and which is mostly the result of his
. In this view, man is the author of his own illness, not a
victim of things external to him. Keppe defines neurosis as the attitude of denying, omitting or distorting reality which exists within and outside of himself

Keppe has synthesized Freud’s psychoanalytical methodology, Melanie
Klein’s observations on envy, gratitude and projective identification, Viktor Frankl’s views on existentialism, classical German psychiatric findings on megalomania and arrogance, ancient Greek Metaphysics, and Socratic and Christian dialectics with his own startling discoveries of
Psychological Inversion, Universal Envy and Theomania.

Freud believed that the cause of human problems originated in
unconscious natural impulses and drives that we are not aware of and over which we have no control. Contrary to Freud, Keppe considers that the unconscious exists as the denial of consciousness and proposes that human pathology stems from a psychogenetically deformed structure that can be improved through the energetic influence of conscientization.

Man’s fundamental problem is the effort he makes to extinguish his own consciousness and his desire to be the ‘creator’ of his own ‘reality’ as a new god (Theomania). Man’s consciousness includes awareness of good and evil, (conscience) and he replaces truth with his fantasies and deliriums. In the act of rejection or denial of consciousness, man falls out of alignment with his true essence and sickness ultimately ensues. Envy brings alienation and an inverted perception of reality - good is bad and evil is good; reality is bad and fantasies are good, etc. This leads human beings to ‘choose’ sickness instead of sanity.

The Solution

In over thirty years of scientific research and clinical practice, Dr. Keppe has provided a solution for the root cause of mankind’s problems - our distortion, rejection and omission of the truth of ourselves.
Consciousness has a healing energetic power and it is only through
conscientization of our psychopathology that the human being can gradually return to his natural condition of beauty, truth and goodness - return to his loving feelings, the right use of reason and the ability to contribute to a society based on true health, development and progress. Psychotherapy must therefore work with the patient’s censorship and with increasing the tolerance of consciousness of Envy, Theomania and pathology in general.

See the Sites.

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sábado, 22 de setembro de 2007

Podcast - Thinking With Somebody Elses´s Head

Transcrevemos abaixo um trecho do programa de rádio (podcast) do locutor e comunicador canadense Richard Jones em inglês, onde ele comenta o livro O Universo dos Espíritos, de Norberto R. Keppe. Quem quiser ouvir todo o programas e outros podcasts de Richard, clicar no link abaixo do texto.

The Universe of the Spirits
I remember my college roommate couldn't sleep for a week after watching The Exorcist. We all have friends who messed around with ouija boards, don't we? My neighbour used to receive visits from recently departed loved ones in her dreams.There is a wealth of theological knowledge on the presence and influence of spirits in our day-to-day lives.

But sadly, it's been eliminated. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we'll begin to open the doors again to the universe of the spirits. This preceless knowledge has been totally excluded from our modern, so-called rational world.Norberto Keppe, in exploring the deep psychopathology of human beings, saw very early on in his work that human difficulties were much more spiritual than organic, much more related to the questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we were going than they were to the out-of-whack chemicals in our brains.

But Keppe went a step further even by seeing that the finality of our envy and inversion would be our enormous rejection of reality and God. So he has always kept an ear tuned to the importance of theology in considering the human psyche.
His recent book, The Universe of the Spirits, is currently being translated into English, and is a must read for a world totally cut off from this spiritual wisdom and desperately in need of connecting to it again.I've invited my good friend, Cesar Soos, in again to consider this topic with me. Cesar has been researching the metaphysical and spiritual world for many years now, and has a fantastic perspective on Keppe's wonderful book.

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A Libertação pelo Conhecimento: uma análise científica da corrupção humana

Saiba por que a humanidade está se destruindo.

Autor(a): Norberto R. Keppe
2 ed. -São Paulo -
Proton Editora Ltda. 2001 (323 p.)
ISBN: 0-939019-16-7

Resumo da apresentação do autor: Este livro foi escrito na França durante o período de comemoração aos 200 anos da Revolução Francesa, que havia colocado a razão em plano semelhante ao da revelação - ou mesmo superior, conforme a orientação aristotélico-tomista.

Em minhas descobertas, eu poderia dizer que seria uma posição idêntica - uma espécie de revelação também no plano racional. O chamado Iluminismo foi o último brado de alerta sobre a importância fundamental da existência da razão na sociedade humana, ao lado do sentimento (amor) que é o aspecto da revelação (fé), é por este motivo que falei no capítulo I da primeira parte que A Humanidade Não Chegou Ainda na Idade da Razão.

É importante o leitor prestar bem atenção na segunda parte do livro: quando eu abordo os problemas levantados pelas emoções, eu me refiro aqui aos sentimentos decontrolados (inveja, ódio, rancor) que impedem que o verdadeiro racionício funcione - e não ao amor, que é a base de todo o equilíbrio e da própria existência da razão.
Biblioteca Virtual IP-USP

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terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2007



Língua Portuguesa

Língua latina, celta, grega, lusitana,
de sons de povos tão diversos encorpada!
Língua fenícia, e judaica, e troiana,
mistura musical, de raças misturadas!

A mo-te assim, tão linda, árabe e germânica,
vibrante com palavras de além-mar trazidas
nas viagens de templários, bravas, oceânicas,
falando de mistério e coisas esquecidas!

L írica língua que aportou um dia aqui e
entre selvas misturou-se com o tupi
para mais tarde enfeitar-se de africana!

C om os adornos de mil povos me sorris,
em frases e lindezas como nunca ouvi...
Língua do "Império", és de todas soberana!

Esta poesia é do livro de poemas trilógicos
Rosa na Noite, do Profesor da Millennium
José Ortiz C. Neto mail to:

que foi inspirado no livro História Secreta do Brasil -
O Millennium e o Homem Universal
de Cláudia Bernhardt S. Pacheco que já está no lançamento da 3ª
edição revista e atualizada.

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sábado, 1 de setembro de 2007


... In all periods of history, and under all forms of governmemt - imperial, feudal, bourgeois, capitalist or marxist - mankid has been in servitude to the ruling economic and political powers.

At no time have the people ever served their own interests. And that is the same as saying that the human being has never been free.

A number of you may argue that a socity cannot function without leaders -- an assertion with which I wholly agree. Indeed, what I am saying is that the systems which ara used by those in power are inhumam, or rater, inverted, inasmuch as they cater only to those few who have accquired social power through money, family or blood ties, or by merit of race or nationality.

The planet Earth was created for all humam beings. Nevertheless, there are a few individuals who have made it their own private kingdom. The result is that neither we nor they feel at ease, judging by the number of policemem and security guards, barred windows and fences, and other measures designed to protect legalized theft.

No one can say that we live in a paradise. To the contrary many claim that this is living hell - which is corret. Suffering and sickness have become the general norm for humanity to such a degree that individual transformation is no longer feasible unless there is social chance as well. This being the case, the frist and most important step is to dis-invert society, turn it around, so to speak, so that those in power work for the people, not against them.

Conscientious awareness of this situation is the fundamental requirement for social transformation. The estabilishment of a dis-inverty society (a trilogical society) is the next and decisive step. Trilogical groups have already begun to organize these dis-invert societies and estreprises, and all of the people must do the same if they wish to have food, transportation, houing and clothing in abundance for themselves, without depriving anyone else of anything.

Withhout bloodshed, peacefully, gradually but enexorable, we will divest the powerful of theur power by preventing them from exercising theur greed and voracity. if we cease to nourish and sustain their sick attitudes, they will lose their strength and become like deflated ballons, inactive and useless. The crucial point here is the fact that, as individuals, those who wield power

are not of good character. If they were, they would not choose to spend their time (nor would they even be interesed) in antagonizing us. Like us, they would be working, and satisfied with this life that God has given us. They are seriously ill, lake the paranoid schizopherenics who need attack and be dependent on them in order to survive.

If we are to recognize and understand all of the social injustice that has been perpetrated, we must frist comprehend true psychopathology. And when understand sociopathology, we will see that society has long been controlled by the sickest individuals, and that they have fashioned sich laws and created an unhealthy social system in order to dominet the healthier individuals.

No ordinary person can exempt himself from responsability in this situation. If society is organozed in this maner, it is becouse the majority of the people have not concerned themselves with the problem. Our children and grandchildren and their children,s children deserve to live a world that is truly peaceful and happy - and such a world is whitin our reach today. this is my wish, and I am sure that it is also yours. For beauty, goodness and love to prevail on the face of the earth, we need only to dedicate ourselves to doing that which is trutly good, genuine and beautiful.

The people must become aware of the fact that they are manipulated by organizations that are hostile to them. The advertising, news and entertainment media, for exanple, have an insane pact with the socio-economic powers, and unspoken agreement by which they achieve their ends at the expense of the people, but by groups interested in exploiting them. As a result, there is a constant struggle between humanity as a whole on one hand, exploited and hasased by those in power, and the institutions on the other, furiously exploiting peoples and nations as much as they can.

Historically, there are people, such as the africans and the Latin Americans, who have always been oppressed. And there are others, such as the North Americans and Europeans, who believe themselves to be free, although in reality they are not. To put it bluntly, some peoples are obviously slaves (the former) whereas others (the latter) are entirely mislead by the highly

refined techniques of the more advanced political and economic systems. To some extend freedom may even be greater in some of the underdeveloped countries (if the individual is not an employee of some company or a civil servant0.

Text of book Liberation of the People - (The Pathology of power)

Norberto Rocha Keppe -

(He wrotes this book in 1985, and its has, up date study of psyco-socio-pathology until today.)

Chapiter - The Liberation of the People
This text of book page ...32 to 34..

This is frist study of the psycho-social-pathology of people with power, psichotics who are impeding human development and destroying society. If we don,t stop them immediately, we witness the rapid demise of civilization!

The dream has returned - that dream of liberation for peoples, races and creeds - and it will be realized, so that the people can live happily in the world that rightfully belongs to them.

We will soo be able to say, as Martin Luther King, jr., did, "free at last, free at last. thank God almighy, we are tree at last"

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sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

NOVO Modelo Econômico Trilógico
“Sem uma mudança na estrutura sócio-econômica, não pode haver mudança no comportamento do indivíduo porque as neuroses, as psicoses e as doenças físicas (com suas conseqüentes tensões de ansiedades, fobias, angústia e depressão) são provocadas pela conduta do indivíduo, e esta conduta é moldada primariamente pelo sistema social.” - Dr. Norberto R. Keppe



A maioria das pessoas imagina que por terem um emprego ou uma carreira, estão fazendo o máximo que podem para si mesmos e para os outros.E embora seja bom que estejam trabalhando, elas raramente conseguem usufruir dos frutos do seu trabalho, nem são verdadeiramente livres para produzir o melhor para si e para os outros.

Não apenas o retorno do seu trabalho vai na maior parte para as mãos
daqueles com poder econômico e social, mas o que elas produzem também deve se adequar aos interesses da estrutura social que é patologica, o que significa que seu trabalho acaba por contribuir para adestruição de si mesmo , da sociedade e do planeta em que vive.

A lém disso, o trabalho e as empresas como estão estruturados hoje, freqüentemente servem a propósitos anti-éticos. É quase
impossível para qualquer pessoa em nossa estrutura sócio-econômica atual ganhar a vida sem contribuir para a destruição e corrupção. O modelo de empresas de Keppe aborda estas questões profundas.

Para saber mais sobre Empresas Trilógicas.

leia Libertação dos Povos. Trabalho e Capital e Sociopatologia de Norberto Keppe

e ABC da Trilogia Analítica (Psicanálise Integral) e Mulheres no Divã de Cláudia B. S. Pacheco, também há vários videos da STOP A DESTRUIçAO DO MUNDO que você poderá assistir diretamente no site

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quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007



Gostaria de comunicar ao maior número possível de pessoas algo que eu não chamaria apenas de sério e muito importante, mas de VITAL

Tenho recebido muitos e-mails, alguns interessantes, outros divertidos
(e também uma porção de lixo) - mas nenhum que trate seriamente da questão
fundamental da sobrevivência de nossa espécie e de nosso planeta nos
próximos anos. Como se a humanidade brincasse, inconseqüente, em
meio a um incêndio de grandes proporções.Por isso resolvi encaminhar este


Não só para meus meus amigos mas a todos os interessados no maior problema da humanidade atualmente, que é o processo de destruição atual, calamitosa e acelerada , da vida em nosso planeta.Essa consciência
está se expandido, e até a ONU já fala oficialmente nos perigos do AQUECIMENTO GLOBAL, mas a maioria das pessoas ainda NÃO SE DEU CONTA de que não se trata apenas de uma probabilidade, mas sim de um fato concreto e iminente.

Poucos anos apenas nos restam e não - como "oficialmente se fala" - que a destruição demoraria ainda algumas dezenas de anos.Ao menos, as
fontes oficiais pararam de mentir e admitem que a vida humana neste planeta
está sendo destruída rapidamente, embora amenizem bastante as
informações.Muitos podem pensar: “Mas isto não é um problema meu!” Ou “Não
estou interessado!” - fazendo lembrar aquela anedota de uma pessoa que
viajava num navio, o qual começou a afundar em alto mar. Todos os passageiros gritavam: "O barco está afundando! O barco está afundando". Mas aquele passageiro pensava com seus botões: "E eu com isso? O navio não é
meu!" Assim, enquanto todos os outros fugiram em salva-vidas (até o capitão,
por último, é claro) ele ficou sossegado num canto, observando o movimento,
até que veio a ser tragado pelas águas, junto com o transatlântico.É uma
anedota que cabe a todos que estamos sossegados, enquanto o mundo se
acaba."Isso não me interessa!" repetem.

Porém, deve haver nessas pessoas algum tipo de interesse: A família, o cão, o gato, a casa, o carro, o surf... ou qualquer outro bem de que fatalmente não desfrutará caso não consigamos brecar esse processo iniciado de convulsão planetária, que tem um efeito "dominó" e irá aumentando gradativamente com efeitos devastadores nos próximos anos e não décadas.

Através desta ONG (STOP A DESTRUIÇÃO DO MUNDO) pude entender que a humanidade está como na famosa experiência da rã que, se é colocada viva em água quente, pula imediatamente para fora da panela, mas, ao contrário, se é jogada com vida em uma panela de água fria, que começa a ser esquentada em fogo lento, vai se habituando e morre cozida sem "perceber", o que é a nossa situação atual.

Este SITE é incrível, pois ainda há hoje em dia, como houve no passado, os grandes gênios da humanidade, pessoas muito lúcidas, conscientes, corajosas e determinadas a fazer o BEM pela humanidade, custe o que custar.Os vídeos, apresentados pelos cientistas NORBERTO KEPPE e CLÁUDIA PACHECO, que podem ser assistidos no site bastando clicar, sãoprofundamente esclarecedores.
Inquestionavelmente, eles não mostram apenas o problema, mas
principalmente a causa psicológica e psicossocial da destruição (a INVERSÃO
E A INVEJA) que, se forem conscientizadas, a destruição pode ser brecada.

Mas o que é absolutamente formidável é a solução
para os problemas humanos e sociais que eles oferecem com a enorme vantagem de dar uma reviravolta no planeta e construirmos uma civilização jamais sonhada, o verdadeiro "NOVO MUNDO" , o Eldorado, aquilo que tantos chamam de sonhada Parusia, o esperado 5º Império, a Jerusalém Celeste, Utopia, Paráclito ou seja lá como for que uma civilização avançadíssíma, espiritualizada e HUMANA, possa ser chamada.

É tão gratificante o que está exposto lá que não posso deixar de participar ao
maior número de pessoas possível.Em síntese, estamos em uma encruzilhada,
queiram ou não os "avestruzes e os poderosos do planeta", não há meio termo,
ou deixamos o barco afundar, ou ainda temos tempo de remar até chegarmos ao
verdadeiro Reino de Deus, o Paraíso, que está aqui, é só aceitá-lo.
Tudo isso é só uma questão de querer. e é o que nos mostra este MARAVILHOSO E

Janio Ramos

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007


Você fazendo parte do programa de conscientização

Desde que o ser humano existe, também existe com ele a consciência da existência de um Ser superior, criador do Universo e de tudo o que nele existe. Deus para todos, seria a expressão máxima da Beleza, Verdade e Bondade.

É interessante também observar que ao lado dessa noção de Deus, o ser humano sempre mencionou a existência de seres espirituais responsáveis pela criação da dor, do sofrimento e do mal aos quais chamam de vários nomes:

demônios, espíritos malignos, diabo, lúcifer a intenção desses seres seria a de destruir a felicidade do ser humano.

Todas as tradições e escritos religiosos, ou mesmo a literatura, colecionados através dos séculos, mencionam essa luta entre os espíritos invejosos e a Criação de Deus, que, originalmente, seria o reino da felicidade.

A experiência clínica mostra que toda a doença mental é acompanhada de um componente patológico de conotação espiritual muito forte. ou seja, é muito comum os neuróticos, mais ainda os psicóticos, manifestarem queixas de que vêem e ouvem demônios, que sofrem perseguição de espíritos malévolos, que escutam vozes, etc.; muitos doentes são excessivamente fanáticos por questões religiosas; há ainda os que paradoxalmente manifestam uma oposição total à crença de qualquer espiritualidae - são os ateus fanáticos.

Fato é que, a pessoa mais equilibrada é aquela que geralmente tem uma boa aceitação da religiosodade, uma preocupação ética em viver
dentro das leis universais da Beleza, Verdade e Bondade, e uma atitude de respeito e até reverência diante do Criador. admitem-se como seres criados por um ser mais perfeito e mais poderoso que si próprio, ou por um princípio geral da ordem do Universo, e não se opõem ou resistem a essa idéia.

Aqueles que apresentam um desvio no comportamento religioso tanto no sentido de se fanatizarem, como no sentido de negarem a espiritualidade são os mais doentes quer organicamente, quer psicologicamente.

Estas conclusões foram todas colhidas através da experimentação científica.
Durante 35 anos, Keppe e seus assistentes, pesquisaram a relação entre problemas de espiritualidade e psicopatologia em centenas de pacientes nos hospitais e clínicas de psicoterapia da SITA dos vários paises em que trabalharam (Europa, Brasil, Estados Unidos).

A Ciência não pode se restrigir aos fatos observáveis somente pelos cinco sentidos; muitos deles são óbivios e evidentes para todos, embora não possamos enquadra-los na categoria de elementos materiais (as ondas que levam as imagens do rádio, TV não são visíveis a olho nú, no entanto elas existem). Assim, não podemos permanecer cegos a realidade da dimensão espiritual; é preciso que se estude, criteriosamente, as supertições e enganos a esse respeito e eliminar o perigo dos desvios, para esclarecer o que é a verdadeiramente e saudável espiritualidade, que deve ser também científica (experimental).

É a esse estudo que a trilogia Analítica também se dedica: como é a relação entre Deus e os homens? Como essa relação ou os desvios nesta relação podem afetá-los? Como a espiritualidade deturpada está relacionanda às doenças mentais, sociais e orgânicas?

Sendo que Keppe constatou que existe uma estrita correlação entre os fenômenos científicos e os espirituais, ele passou a considerar a Teologia como um dos "tripés" da ciência completa (trilógica), juntamente com a Filosofia e a Ciência.

Muitas das respostas a essas questões já estão descritas em alguns livros da Trilogia Análitica tais como: Glorificação, Contemplação e ação e Anais dos simpósios de Demonologia.

O texto acima foi extraido do livro ABC da Trilogia Analítica (psicanálise Integral) de Dra. Cláudia Bernhardt S. Pacheco. Psicanalista também autora dos livros.
-A Cura pela Consciência(Teomania e estresse)
- História Secreta do Brasil (o Millennium e o Homem Universal),
-As Mulheres no Divã -(Um estudo da Psicopatologia Feminina)

entre outras obras na áres de psicanálise, saúde educação e psicossociopatologia.

Também temos muitos outros livros que foram publicados pela editora Proton,
mais recentes que tratam muito bem do tema espiritualidade.
-Metafísica Trilógica I, II e III
-Universo dos Espíritos
-A Bíblia trilógica - Estes são os mais recentes lançamentos.

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