sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007


Stop the Destruction of the World
Helping Young People Cope

We think most of the time that it's damn difficult to get old. But from everything I see in the world today, it's no picnic being young either.Getting lost in Internet chatrooms and games. School violence. Diagnosis for psychological conditions I never even heard of when I was in school. It's a complicated world for teens and kids these days. And we haven't even mentioned the looming environmental disasters that face them as they enter the adult world.How can they make sense of this? Today on STOP the Destruction of the World, psychoanalyst and author, Claudia Pacheco, addresses many issues facing kids today. As always, this program is looking at human problems and solutions through Norberto Keppe's science of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis) and this offers a perspective on the world that is offered nowhere else in the world. Keppe is light years ahead of any other psychological school of thought you care to name, which makes his work provocative and essential.You can receive a free copy of his landmark book, Liberation of the People: The Pathology of Power, just by writing me at And you can also learn more about his work on my Podcast, Thinking with Somebody Else's Head.Now, let's find out how to help young people cope in today's increasingly complex and troubling world.
Click here to view this episode.

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