quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2007

What is Integral Psychoanalysis?

What is Integral Psychoanalysis(Analytical Trilogy) ?

Integral Psychoanalysis (Analytical Trilogy) is a scientific
theory and methodology developed by psychoanalyst, philosopher and social scientist,
Dr. Norberto R. Keppe, which unifies the fields of science, philosophy and spirituality. Keppe has discovered that we must all become aware of the depth and extent of our psychopathology
- a condition that exists in all human beings to one degree or another - if we are to heal our damaged selves and our planet.

Integral Psychoanalysis is different from traditional psychoanalysis or alternative types of psychotherapies.
Why is Integral Psychoanalys different from other psychotherapies?
Traditional psychotherapies see the cause of man’s problems
as organic or societal. In this view, man is seen as a ‘victim’ of things
external to his own choice - things such as chemical imbalances in the brain, lack of affection, family problems, economic difficulties, etc.

The Problem
Dr. Keppe is one of the few scientists who sees the cause of man’s
problems originating from the individual’s inner psychological life and which is mostly the result of his
. In this view, man is the author of his own illness, not a
victim of things external to him. Keppe defines neurosis as the attitude of denying, omitting or distorting reality which exists within and outside of himself

Keppe has synthesized Freud’s psychoanalytical methodology, Melanie
Klein’s observations on envy, gratitude and projective identification, Viktor Frankl’s views on existentialism, classical German psychiatric findings on megalomania and arrogance, ancient Greek Metaphysics, and Socratic and Christian dialectics with his own startling discoveries of
Psychological Inversion, Universal Envy and Theomania.

Freud believed that the cause of human problems originated in
unconscious natural impulses and drives that we are not aware of and over which we have no control. Contrary to Freud, Keppe considers that the unconscious exists as the denial of consciousness and proposes that human pathology stems from a psychogenetically deformed structure that can be improved through the energetic influence of conscientization.

Man’s fundamental problem is the effort he makes to extinguish his own consciousness and his desire to be the ‘creator’ of his own ‘reality’ as a new god (Theomania). Man’s consciousness includes awareness of good and evil, (conscience) and he replaces truth with his fantasies and deliriums. In the act of rejection or denial of consciousness, man falls out of alignment with his true essence and sickness ultimately ensues. Envy brings alienation and an inverted perception of reality - good is bad and evil is good; reality is bad and fantasies are good, etc. This leads human beings to ‘choose’ sickness instead of sanity.

The Solution

In over thirty years of scientific research and clinical practice, Dr. Keppe has provided a solution for the root cause of mankind’s problems - our distortion, rejection and omission of the truth of ourselves.
Consciousness has a healing energetic power and it is only through
conscientization of our psychopathology that the human being can gradually return to his natural condition of beauty, truth and goodness - return to his loving feelings, the right use of reason and the ability to contribute to a society based on true health, development and progress. Psychotherapy must therefore work with the patient’s censorship and with increasing the tolerance of consciousness of Envy, Theomania and pathology in general.

See the Sites.



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