sábado, 22 de setembro de 2007

Podcast - Thinking With Somebody Elses´s Head

Transcrevemos abaixo um trecho do programa de rádio (podcast) do locutor e comunicador canadense Richard Jones em inglês, onde ele comenta o livro O Universo dos Espíritos, de Norberto R. Keppe. Quem quiser ouvir todo o programas e outros podcasts de Richard, clicar no link abaixo do texto.

The Universe of the Spirits
I remember my college roommate couldn't sleep for a week after watching The Exorcist. We all have friends who messed around with ouija boards, don't we? My neighbour used to receive visits from recently departed loved ones in her dreams.There is a wealth of theological knowledge on the presence and influence of spirits in our day-to-day lives.

But sadly, it's been eliminated. Today on Thinking with Somebody Else's Head, we'll begin to open the doors again to the universe of the spirits. This preceless knowledge has been totally excluded from our modern, so-called rational world.Norberto Keppe, in exploring the deep psychopathology of human beings, saw very early on in his work that human difficulties were much more spiritual than organic, much more related to the questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we were going than they were to the out-of-whack chemicals in our brains.

But Keppe went a step further even by seeing that the finality of our envy and inversion would be our enormous rejection of reality and God. So he has always kept an ear tuned to the importance of theology in considering the human psyche.
His recent book, The Universe of the Spirits, is currently being translated into English, and is a must read for a world totally cut off from this spiritual wisdom and desperately in need of connecting to it again.I've invited my good friend, Cesar Soos, in again to consider this topic with me. Cesar has been researching the metaphysical and spiritual world for many years now, and has a fantastic perspective on Keppe's wonderful book.

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